Our Ranger ran the opening, welcoming everyone and asking each Unit to perform their opening ceremony. This year, the girls decided to have everyone work on the same activity rather than dividing up into groups and using a round-robin format. We encountered some minor challenges with timing (i.e. filling the water basins for the first activity while the instructions were being given rather than waiting and having each group fill their basin), but managed everything for a great evening!
Flame - Impact on Others
For our first activity, we divided up into smaller groups and used basins of water and random objects to illustrate how people can have an impact on others. As each object was dropped in the water, the girls observed the ripples on the water and how each object made a unique ripple pattern. It ended with each person dropping a pebble in and suggesting a way that they can show kindness and compassion towards others.
Two Stars - Character Brings Impact
For this activity, we divided up into four groups and each group had to come up with a set of actions to represent a Swahili word or phrase:
"Tucheze" - "Let Us Dance"
"Tesherehekehe" - "Let Us Celebrate"
"Tuungane" - "Let Us Unite"
"Tufurahi" - "Let Us Be Happy"
Compass - Impact and the WWF
After a short explanation of how trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and produce oxygen, we played a tag game. We had 2-3 girls as Humans (producers of carbon dioxide), 2-3 girls as Trees, and everyone else as Oxygen atoms. When the Humans tagged the Oxygen atoms they turned in to Carbon Dioxide and had to sit down. The Trees went about tagging the Carbon Dioxide to turn them back into Oxygen atoms!
Trefoil Leaves - Impact Mural
Our final activity was to make an impact mural. Although we weren't able to make a permanent display, we had a good time creating a display of all of our ideas about how we can have an impact on the world around us!