We brought in the supply of LEGO that I have from when my brother and I were younger as we had plenty to go around! Guides could work alone or in groups and build whatever they were inspired to - as long as they shared the supplies. There was lots of creativity and the end results were all unique. This was super easy to prepare and was very popular with the Guides - they were reluctant to put the LEGO away at the end of the night!
Our digital Log Book, sharing information about the activities of the Girl Guides, Pathfinders and Rangers in Caledonia, Ontario, Canada.
Tuesday, 2 April 2019
LEGO Night
We spend the first week of April rounding our Design Space and Engineering activities with a LEGO Night!
We brought in the supply of LEGO that I have from when my brother and I were younger as we had plenty to go around! Guides could work alone or in groups and build whatever they were inspired to - as long as they shared the supplies. There was lots of creativity and the end results were all unique. This was super easy to prepare and was very popular with the Guides - they were reluctant to put the LEGO away at the end of the night!
We brought in the supply of LEGO that I have from when my brother and I were younger as we had plenty to go around! Guides could work alone or in groups and build whatever they were inspired to - as long as they shared the supplies. There was lots of creativity and the end results were all unique. This was super easy to prepare and was very popular with the Guides - they were reluctant to put the LEGO away at the end of the night!