As the girls arrived, they were provided with paper and markers to design new boxes for Girl Guide Cookies.
We then had a short discussion about cookies - how the cost of a case breaks down between Dare Foods, National, Province and out Unit, and about cookies in other countries. The USA tops the list, selling 11 different flavours, but Australia, New Zealand and Singapore each sell 3 different kinds, and Ireland has one type for sale.
Cookies in Australia Vanilla, Shortbread, Chocolate Chip |
Cookies in Ireland Chocolate Chip |
Cookies in New Zealand Original, Chocolate, Mini Chocolate |
Cookies in Singapore Chocolate Mint, Chocolate Cream, Malt Chocolate |
Cookies in the USA S'mores Graham Cracker, S'mores Sandwich, Caramel, Peanut Butter Sandwich, Chocolate-covered Peanut Butter, Shortbread, Lemon, Shortbread dipped in Fudge, Toffee, Cranberry, Cranberry Citrus, Chocolatey Mint |
The girls then designed Cookie Posters.
Our final activity was to make up Girl Guide Cookie games. Each Patrol created a game and we played one of them - we'll play the others over the next couple of weeks.
- Cookie Bake - Four corners are labelled flour, milk, butter and chocolate. Players work in Patrols and in relay formation, one at time race around the corners. At each corner they perform an action - 5 jumping jacks (flour), spin around 5 times (milk), act like a seal (butter), 5 star jumps (chocolate). The winners are the first Patrol to get all their players around the course.
- Cookie Cheeks - The ends of the room are cookie jars. Players are cookies and 'it' is a hungry human. Cookies run from one end of the room to the other, trying not to be tagged. If they are tagged, they become cookie crumbs and can tag other players - but cannot move from the spot where they were tagged.
- Dizzy Cookies - Two players are It and each has a soft ball. To tag other players, they throw the ball and try to hit them below the waist. If a player is hit, they sit on the ground and spin in a circle until they are tagged by another player.
Links & Downloads:
- Super Cookie Challenge (BC Girl Guides) - external link
- Cookies Rising: Playing With Cookies Instant Meeting - external link (contains the Cookie Jeopardy Game)