Girl Guides is a safe, all-girl environment that invites girls to challenge
themselves, find their voice, meet new friends and make a difference in the world. Today’s Girl Guide program helps girls learn about global and cultural awareness, career exploration, science and technology and the arts.
themselves, find their voice, meet new friends and make a difference in the world. Today’s Girl Guide program helps girls learn about global and cultural awareness, career exploration, science and technology and the arts.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
6.30pm to 7.30pm
Grace United Church (Grand Room)
174 Caithness St E, Caledonia
6.30pm to 7.30pm
Grace United Church (Grand Room)
174 Caithness St E, Caledonia
Come and explore the fun, friendship and adventure that Guiding offers!
Girls and parents can try out activities, learn more about the different branches, and find out how to register.
Girls and parents can try out activities, learn more about the different branches, and find out how to register.
Are you looking for a challenging and rewarding volunteer opportunity? Do you enjoy trying new things, being silly and having fun? Do you want to make a difference in your community? Then being a Guider could be the role for you! Volunteers do not need to have a daughter or past involvement in Guiding!
Are you looking for a challenging and rewarding volunteer opportunity? Do you enjoy trying new things, being silly and having fun? Do you want to make a difference in your community? Then being a Guider could be the role for you! Volunteers do not need to have a daughter or past involvement in Guiding!