Guide Program

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Zoe Goes to China

The second meeting of January was devoted to working on our annual Zoe's Trek Around the World Challenge.

As the girls arrived, they were asked to start filling in the information in a passport. On the first inside page they had to draw a picture of themselves and on the facing page write in their personal information (name, address, birthdate, etc.). While they waited for everyone to arrive, they could also use the display poster to answer the questions about Guiding in Hong Kong.

After our opening we played a quiet game (Wax Museum) as we were in the upstairs meeting room instead of our usual hall. We then spent some time learning a bit about China and the Chinese New Year using atlases and pictures.  

We then split up into 2 groups to do crafts. One group made their own tangram puzzles out of cardstock and the other group made origami jumping frogs.

For our active part of the evening, we had a chopstick relay where each group had to try to get the largest number of sponges, carried using chopsticks. We also tried some Tai Chi, including "Awaken the Chi", "Bridge Over Water", and "Wild Goose Looks for Food".

The last activity of the evening was the reading of a Chinese Folk Tale, "The Four Dragons", which tells how the four great rivers of China (Heilongjian, Yellow, Yangtze, and Pearl) came to be.