Guide Program

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Messy Night 2018

This week was our annual Messy Night, the highlight of the year for many of our girls! We started the evening off as usual, covered some basic rules for activities, and headed outside for some messy fun. Prior to this meeting, parents are sent an email explaining the types of activities we have planned and suggesting that girls wear old clothing, bathing suits, and/or clothes that can get wet and dirty, along with crocs or sandals that can get wet. Parents are also told that we do not have shower/bathing facilities available, but all supplies are washable. As many of the girls go home in various shades of dried paint, this is an important notice!

Messy Twister
Messy Twister requires a tarp, shaving cream and washable paint. Shaving cream is squirted onto the tarp to form the circles and paint applied to make rows of red, green, yellow and blue. Play as regular Twister! Fun Fact: The smell of shaving cream will stay on the tarp no matter how many times you try to clean it!

Shave the Balloon
In order to shave balloons, girls work in pairs. They inflate a balloon, cover it in shaving cream and then use a razor or knife to remove the shaving cream. Sometimes this is done successfully, while other times the balloon bursts! Be sure to pick up all scraps of balloons when you're finished. 

Spray Painting
For this activity we mixed washable paint and water in spray bottles and spread out a tarp on the ground. Girls used the spray bottles to create designs on card stock ... and later on each other...

Water Fights
As a filler activity, we provided a bucket of water, lots of water pistols and water balls for the girls to play with. Some girls have better aim than others...

Jello Eating
We made 5 packages of cherry-flavoured jello and mixed in wrapped Jolly Rancher candies. Each girl had a pie plate of jelly to eat without using her hands to get the candies out.

Worms and Mud
Basically worms and dirt, except that the Pathfinders didn't feel like breaking up the cookies so they were lumps of 'mud'. We used small paper cups and put a gummy worm in the bottom with half a chocolate pudding cup over it and a cookie on top.

We also attempted to do water marbling, however we discovered that the nail polish we had was too heavy and it did not work (the videos we had watched didn't specify a type of nail polish) - so we hope to try this activity again in the future. 

The night ended with lots of clean-up, reminders for next week, and we closed with Taps.