Guide Program

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Learn About WAGGGS

The third meeting in February was spent learning about WAGGGS and international Guiding in preparation for World Thinking Day.

We started the evening with our usual opening and an active game. Before starting our program we spent a few minutes talking about the World Centres, the World Flag and the World Trefoil. Our first activity was a Relay Game based on a Guiding board game. We made each of the squares on the game board into a question and gave each patrol a set of answer cards. When a question was called out, each patrol had to choose a card and send a runner up. The first patrol to arrive with the right answer card received a bead (point). Some questions had 'shout it out' as part of the instructions - these didn't have points or cards attached, and for the Good Turn squares, a different member of each patrol had to come up each time and share a good turn they had done within the past week (all received a bead).
Original Game created by Maureen Robertson and published in the Ontario Newsletter, January 2004
Next we moved on to comparing the uniforms and enrolment pins of different countries. For this activity, I had printed out cards with a picture of a Guide, the name of the country, what Guides are called there, and the age group. I coloured in each Guide and then pinned the enrolment pin onto the card (If I didn't have the actual pins, I could have printed images.) We passed the cards around so everyone could have a look and then put the cards in the middle and talked about the similarities and differences.
Next up was a game - African Handball. In this game, the goal is for one team to try to keep control of the ball from the other team. Players cannot travel while holding the ball, and when a player catches the ball, their team claps their hands and stamps their feet.

The last part of the meeting was spent preparing presentations. The 3rd Year Guides created a presentation about Lady Baden-Powell as part of the Lady Baden-Powell Challenge, while the other Guides were divided into two groups and made commercials to advertise World Centres - Pax Lodge and Sangam. After the presentations, we had closing and said good night.