Guide Program

Tuesday 18 February 2014

World Thinking Day 2014

The Caledonia Sparks, Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders and Rangers got together on Tuesday, February 18th to celebrate World Thinking Day.

The theme for World Thinking Day this year was "education opens doors for all boys and girls". 

Our evening started with the branch openings - Sparks, Brownies, and Guides. This was followed by a brief introduction to the theme and the planned program for the evening. 

Our first activity was done in branch groups, and was to make name tags showing the girl's names in Hindi and English. This was done with pre-printed labels on fun foam. The girls then decorated the name tags using peel-and-stick felt and fun foam decorations and stickers. 

We then split up into 3 mixed groups (Sparks, Brownies and Guides) to rotate through three stations.

Station 1 - Barriers to Education
At this station, the girls learned about some of the barriers to education faced by children in other countries. These included Cost (of schooling, supplies and uniforms), Distance (getting to school), Water (lack of water locally, time spent fetching water), Work (need to earn money to support family), and Being a Girl. They played a game similar to dodge ball, where the girls in the centre were the barriers to education and the other girls had to knock them out so that everyone could go to school.

Station 2 - Quality Education
At this station the girls learned that sometimes even though children go to school, the schools they go to aren't good and they don't learn even basic skills. Everyone then drew or wrote down things that make a school a good school. These were all posted on a wall display.

Station 3 - Learning for Life
At this station the girls learned about continuing their education to achieve their dreams and that many of the things they are learning now will be of use to them later in life. The girls then shared what they want to be or do when they grow up. After everyone had shared, the girls played a game from West Africa called 'Pilolo'. This game is usually played using sticks or stones (we used paper clips). All of the players cover their eyes while the game leader hides the items (one per player) around the playing area. When the game leader calls out 'pilolo', everyone hunts for an item and tries to be the first player to pick up an item and sit down.

After everyone had rotated through the stations, we took a break for cupcakes and juice. Before we started our campfire, we looked at the items that had been donated to make up school kits for the Mennonite Central Committee and everyone was thanked for their generous donations. We also had the honour of presenting Chief Commissioner's Bronze Awards to two girls (Allison & Sarah H). 

The evening ended with a campfire and branch closings.