Guide Program

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Welcome to Guides!

We held our first meeting of the 2013-2014 Guiding Year on Tuesday, September 10th. This year, we decided to hold an open house to encourage new members to join us. We had 4 returning Guides, 5 advancing Brownies, and 4 girls who are new to Guiding join us for the evening.

Our first activity was "Who Am I?", a game where players have a card on their back (in this case, animals) and they have to ask other players 'yes' and 'no' questions to help them guess what their animals is. (This game has several different names)

Next, we tried a little science. We tried to do the lemon powered light bulb, but were unsuccessful - we'll try this one again later in the year. The girls also wrote invisible ink messages using lemon juice.

After this, it was time for a game - Doughnut Tag! 

Our next activity took us around the world to visit Guides in 16 countries. Each girl was given one or more cards with a picture of a Guide in uniform on it and had to find the matching country on the map. We talked briefly about WAGGGS and its 145 member countries, as well as about the Canadian Twinning Project with Grenada and Curacao. This station ended with a sampling of mango.

More games were next and the girls played the Name Game with balls and Hot Potato (at their request).

Our final activity of the evening let the girls explore their creativity by making paperbag scrapbooks and decorating the front covers. We will go back to these later in the year and add pictures and embellishments inside.

The evening ended with some songs, a thank you to everyone for coming, and a hope that they would all come back next week!