Guide Program

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Reporting & Business Communications Badges

At our meeting on April 2nd the Guides worked on completing their Reporting and Business Communications Badges.

As the girls arrived they were asked to decorate a postcard, leaving the back blank. Later in the evening we asked them to write a message to a Lone Guide on the back of the card. These cards will be sent to the Lone Guides in Ontario as friendship cards.

To finish up the Business Communications Badge, we used a white board to write a business letter as a group. The example we used was asking someone from the fire department to come to a meeting and do a presentation on fire safety to help the girls earn their Fire Safety Badge.
We also talked about Braille communication and where you can find examples in everyday life. Each patrol then had to solve a message written in Braille.

To complete the Reporting Badge each girl created a newspaper front page, complete with newspaper name, picture, and article.